Software wTrade Count simplify the process of sampling and counting pieces, extending this functionality also to scales that natively do not have the piece counting function.
Manage data
Choose the version that's right for you
Storage of measurements in the database
Customers, orders and products data
Export data to standard Excel file
Partial statistics
Communication with all Wunder scales
Storage of measurements in the database
Customers, orders and products data
Export data to customizable Excel file
Partial and total statistics
Possibility of printing via software
Standard print format
Integration with Barcode Scanner
Communication with all Wunder scales
Communication with all Wunder printers
Storage of measurements in the database
Customers, orders and products data
Export data to customizable Excel file
Partial and total statistics
Possibility of printing via software
Customizable print format
Integration with Barcode Scanner
Communication with all Wunder scales
Communication with all Wunder printers
Communication with external programs
Do you need more information?
Fill out the form to get more detailed information about wTrade Suite
Do you need more information?
Fill out the form to get more detailed information about wTrade Suite
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